Capitalizing on debt (general idea)

Currently, student loans are a big problem in America, because they are “super debts” which survive personal bankruptcy, and may even impact on the families of those who were coerced into taking the loans. The coercion is debatable, but the whole situation is similar to how the economy of Haiti was depressed for 200 years (until 1995), and the general lack of detached empathy to solve the problem for the “victims” is likely to make the problem last for a longer time than we might anticipate.

However, there is an idea which occurred to me: could and individual or small group form a corporation, buy a personal loan by an issue of bonds, and then assume that debt? Especially in the case of student loans, this would allow refinancing them without needed to either default or be worried about fees.

If I was a lawyer, or an professional accountant, I would push this type of scheme. If I was a central bank looking to foster local growth, I would prefer to have a few thousand people who own R&D corporations seeking to apply the benefits of higher education, than people who were forced to take relatively low-profit jobs for trans-nationals who were not primarily or sincerely focused on local, national, or personal development.

Since I don’t have any student loans myself, I could just ignore the whole issue… however, instead, we’re going to do a series on it over the next few weeks. It will be a bit rough, but it seems this is one thing which only our Kikaku can do. Sadly.  well, a lot is happening behind the scenes. Updates later.


5 thoughts on “Capitalizing on debt (general idea)

    • Debt is already convertible into capital, but those debts are traded in markets which are not accessible to the general public; this was not so much overt conspiracy as a general lack of creativity, and a bias towards zero-sum thinking.

      Forming a corporation is part of the solution that I started to envision, actually. It would still profit banks, corporations, and so forth if more people were aware of their own powers, and able to form the structures which would facilitate stable development, rather than be victimized by loan sharks; but I get the impression many (banks, corporations) are just not willing to contribute to society (yet they use those words to describe someone who defaults on student loans, etc. — one of the ultimate evils is making, then blaming, the victims).

      …and, yeah, there is also some conspiracy behind it but aspiring to construct a better world sometimes also takes conspiracy-type initiatives also, so rather than focus on what “they” did, if a change can benefit everyone (only the least ethical, unfair, destructive based “them” would suffer anything at all), then it is worth conspiring to see it through.

      I don’t really have enough co-conspirators yet, though. 😦

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